v2ray mtproto中转详细教程

v2ray mtproto relay is a relaying and forwarding method implemented through v2ray technology, used to encrypt and hide the real communication terminal in network transmission, and to improve communication security and privacy protection.

Introduction to v2ray and mtproto concepts

  • v2ray:is a modular proxy software that supports various protocols such as Socks, HTTP, Shadowsocks, and VMess, providing powerful features like traffic diversion and obfuscation to effectively resist interference from the Great Firewall.
  • mtproto:is an encrypted transmission protocol used by Telegram Messenger to protect user communication privacy and data security.

The following are the steps to install v2ray mtproto relay in a Linux environment:

  1. Install v2ray:
    • Install by executing the command bash <(curl -L -s https://install.direct/go.sh).
  2. Configure v2ray:
    • Edit the configuration file /etc/v2ray/config.json to configure relevant parameters.
  3. Install mtproto relay component:
    • Install by executing the command bash <(curl -L -s https://git.io/v2ray_mtproto.sh).
  4. Configure mtproto relay component:
    • Edit the configuration file /etc/v2ray/mtproto/config.json to set relay parameters.

The following are some common problems and solutions that may occur when using v2ray mtproto relay:

  • Problem 1: v2ray fails to start:It may be due to port occupation, you need to change the port and restart v2ray.
  • Problem 2: mtproto relay cannot connect:Check if the server address and port in the configuration file are correct, and ensure that the firewall settings allow communication.

What are the advantages of v2ray mtproto relay?

v2ray mtproto relay combines the flexible proxy features of v2ray and the encrypted transmission of mtproto to effectively protect communication privacy and deal with network blocking and inspection.

Does v2ray mtproto relay support Windows systems?

Currently, it mainly supports Linux systems, but some components can also be used on Windows.

How to verify if v2ray mtproto relay is working properly?

You can connect to the v2ray mtproto relay server and observe the logs and network traffic to verify its operational status.
